live healthy life

Live healthy life.

yoga and meditation:-

Yoga  is a stretching and strengthening exercise that’s thousands of years old. It has many benefits:

* Yoga lengthens your body, stretching out tight muscles.

* Practicing yoga can help improve your balance, posture and flexibility.

* Regular practice can enhance your respiratory function and hear rate.

* Yoga can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

Like yoga, meditation  has been practiced by cultures around the globe for millennia. Experts recommend 20 minutes a day of meditation , and daily practice increases its benefits. Here are a few tips for beginners:

* Sit quietly in a room where you won’t be disturbed. Turn off your ringer!

* Close your eyes and take some slow, deep breaths.

* Focus on a simple mantra : like “om,” repeating the word silently to yourself—match it to your breathing to get into a slow rhythm.

* Clear your mind : When a thought enters, just silently acknowledge it and then return to your breathing. The goal is not perfection; the goal is to slow down and quiet your mind.

* Breathe deep : Take long, slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, keeping an eye on your breath—with the goal of creating an even in-and-out rhythm. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can slow your heart rate and calm your mind.

Workout daily :-

It’s time to banish excuses and get to the gym! No gym near you? Not in the budget? Then it’s time to get creative and exercise at home and with friends and family. Aim for 30 minutes a day, and include a balance of these two types of exercise:

Cardio: This burns the most calories, and really gets your heart pumping. Think swimming, jogging, cycling and dancing.

Moderate: This burns fewer calories, but is key to increasing your blood flow and oxygen intake—and lowering your blood pressure. Think walking (or water walking at your local pool) and yoga.

If you’re not sure how to get started, talk with your health care provider about options and the ideal exercise program for you. And don’t miss low-cost or free programs offered by local park districts, churches and non-profit groups.


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